Bree Livingston

The Best Friend's Billionaire Brother

She’s loved him forever.
He’s been too blind to notice.
When Gabby Fredericks returns home for the holidays, she’s not expecting her best friend’s brother and her ex-crush—Wyatt West—to meet her at the airport. It’s been five years, and she’s over him. Only, her heart hasn’t gotten the message. Wyatt is taller, more rugged, and even better looking than when she left home…and he’ll never be hers.
Wyatt West can’t believe how much Gabby has changed since he last saw her. He’s always considered her an extra little sister—and off limits—but now the feelings he’s having aren’t brotherly at all. Between his uncertain future in the rodeo and struggling with his growing feelings for Gabby, his plans for a restful holiday have vanished.
It’ll take more than a little mistletoe for these two hearts to come together.
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