Paul Halbeck

Parables of the Bible

The book contains 35 parables that Jesus gave to us, plus a few of His sayings, that are also marked as parables.
Jesus started out His ministry by giving us the parable of new ways and old ways, then the principle of sowing and reaping. Followed by teaching parables and kingdom parables, and ending with prophetic and warning parables. Each parable is presented in a clear way having a concise summary after it. Thus, trying not to detract from the spoken parable, but rather allowing the reader to meditate further on the truth of the parable. For God's Word and teachings must always remain the centerpiece of the study.
The book shows you the importance of understanding the parables, for prophecy tells us that if we do understand them we would then be converted and healed. This by itself should be ample reason to desire to understand the parables of the Bible.
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