Our heads are not good enough as God made them, they must be moulded outside by the nurse and inside by the philosopher.
Justine Kakokociteerde uit8 jaar geleden
Civilised man is born and dies a slave.
Justine Kakokociteerde uit8 jaar geleden
The real object of our study is man and his environment. To my mind those of us who can best endure the good and evil of life are the best educated;
Justine Kakokociteerde uit8 jaar geleden
We begin to learn when we begin to live; our education begins with ourselves,
Justine Kakokociteerde uit8 jaar geleden
Teach him to live rather than to avoid death:
Justine Kakokociteerde uit8 jaar geleden
It is only fit to turn out hypocrites, always professing to live for others, while thinking of themselves alone.
Justine Kakokociteerde uit8 jaar geleden
Life is the trade I would teach him.
Justine Kakokociteerde uit8 jaar geleden
men for whom I have a great respect, men whom I believe to be quite capable of instructing young people, if they were not compelled to follow the established custom.
Justine Kakokociteerde uit8 jaar geleden
men for whom I have a great respect, men whom I believe to be quite capable of instructing young people, if they were not compelled to follow the established custom.