Jack Canfield

The Success Principles

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  • An-nisa Pratiwiciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    I have lived a long life and had many troubles, most of which never happened.

  • An-nisa Pratiwiciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    The key words are I scare myself by imagining. All fear is self-created by imagining some negative outcome in the future. Using some of the same fears listed above, the new format would look like this:

    • I want to ask my boss for a raise, and I scare myself by imagining he would say no and be angry with me for asking.
  • An-nisa Pratiwiciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    Some people will do anything to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of fear. If you are one of those people, you run an even bigger risk of never getting what you want in life. Most of the good stuff requires taking a risk. And the nature of a risk is that it doesn’t always work out.

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