Daniel Davies,Wes Rumbaugh,Alicia Sanders-Zakre,April R. Gillens,Chelsea Green,Daniel Salisbury,David N. Etim,Henrietta Toivanen,Isaac Jenkins,Jeffrey J. Graham,Kit Conklin,Logan Brandt,Mitchell Armbruster,Nathan Powell,Shannon Abbott,Stephen Herzog

Project on Nuclear Issues

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The role that nuclear weapons play in international security has changed since the end of the Cold War, but the need to maintain and replenish the human infrastructure for supporting nuclear capabilities and dealing with the multitude of nuclear challenges remains essential. Recognizing this challenge, CSIS launched the Project on Nuclear Issues (PONI) in 2003 to develop the next generation of policy, technical, and operational nuclear professionals through outreach, mentorship, research and debate. PONI runs two signature programs—the Nuclear Scholars Initiative and the Annual Conference Series—to engage emerging nuclear experts in thoughtful and informed debate and research over how to best address the nuclear community’s most pressing problems. The papers in this volume comprise research from participants in the 2017 Nuclear Scholars Initiative and PONI Conference Series. PONI sponsors this research to provide a forum for facilitating new and innovative thinking and a platform for emerging thought leaders across the nuclear enterprise. Spanning a wide range of technical and policy issues, these selected papers further discussion in their respective areas.
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