bookmate game
Lucia Franco

Hush, Hush

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I knew the rules.
Never reveal my true identity.
Play the game, give the illusion.
Don’t get close to the clients.

The dark and glamorous lifestyle of the rich and shameless open my eyes to a lavish world of sin and wealth, and a man I can’t have.
A man I desperately want—James Riviera.
We’re treading a fine line as we live the ultimate double life until we make a startling discovery that tests both our loyalties.
I only had to follow the rules, but rules are meant to be broken.
Dit boek is momenteel niet beschikbaar
451 afgedrukte pagina’s
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  • sbxdeelde een impressie9 maanden geleden
    👍De moeite van het lezen waard

    Literally fucking mind blowing


  • Marian Alexiaciteerde uit10 maanden geleden
    I thought I was going to lose him as a client because no one was satisfying him until you came around. He nearly lost it when I told him you were unavailable."
  • Marian Alexiaciteerde uit10 maanden geleden
    Blocked Caller.

    A deep sadness runs through me. He calls me every day, and every day I decline it
  • Marian Alexiaciteerde uit10 maanden geleden
    A check.

    Glaring down at me with resentment so thick it chokes me, he says, "That's the balance I owe you. It's safe to say this little arrangement we had is now over. We're finished

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