John Trent,Annette Smith

A Place Called Blessing

His whole life has been a story of hurt and rejection. Is one family's love enough to turn it all around? Josh lost his parents in a drunk-driving accident and lost track of his two brothers after a tragic fire. By age eighteen, he is an angry young man who only wants a job, an apartment, and to be left alone. Instead, he meets Mike and Anna, an unusual son-and-mother team who draw him into their lives. For the first time, Josh receives unconditional love and something every human being craves, the gift of "the blessing." But tragedy strikes again, and a shocking secret is revealed. Can Josh hang on to what he's learned about blessings, curses, and family? The life-changing message of the relational classic, The Blessing-now in compelling story form. Complete with a listener's guide to help you identify and apply the five elements of the biblical blessing to your own life and relationships. Visit www.TheBlessing.com for more information and an opportunity to join The Blessing Challenge, one million people choosing to change the life of one child-their child!
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