Lal Behari Dey

Folk-Tales of Bengal

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Step into Bengal's cultural tapestry with "Folk-Tales of Bengal," a captivating anthology by Lal Behari Day
This audiobook unveils the magic of 22 timeless folk tales passed down through generations and promises an immersive experience into the heart of Bengal's past. This audiobook includes, among others, stories such as:
- Life's Secret
- Phakir Chand
- The Indigent Brahman
- The Story of the Rakshasas
- The Story of Swet-Basanta
- The Boy whom Seven Mothers suckled
- The Story of Prince Sobur
- The Man who wished to be Perfect
- The Story of a Brahmadaitya
- The Story of a Hiraman
- The Origin of Rubies
- The Match-making Jackal
- The Boy with the Moon on his Forehead
- The Bald Wife
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