Lucia G. Richard

Weight Loss Hypnosis for Women

Do you want a perfect Weight Loss Hypnosis Guide for female body structures? Your mind plays a critical role in helping you get healthy, get in shape, and stay that way. In fact, your mind is so important that if you can’t get your mind to cooperate with your body, you could be seriously undermining your chances at improving your overall health and wellbeing.
Often getting your head in line with your body is dependent on being able to make the most of your own internal programming mechanism. In other words, what you tell yourself is vital to achieving anything you want. This self-talk can make, or break, your chances at becoming who you really want to be.
For example, if you are constantly telling yourself that you are not up to the task, that you are never going to make it, or that it is simply too hard to, then the chances of you not achieving your goals will be very slim. In contrast, if your self-talk is based upon you understanding of what it takes to be the best version of yourself, then the chances of you actually achieving anything that you want can explode through the roof. Best of all, you will give yourself a fighting chance when it comes to warding off any unwanted thoughts and feelings.
This book covers the following topics:
Why do we struggle with weight?What makes your body gain weight: meditations and daily habitsAffirmation for healthy diet and body imageHypnosis and hypnotherapyStep by step hypnotherapy for weight lossMeditation for a mindfulness diet and much moreReady to get started? Click “Buy Now”!
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