Amy Porterfield

#216: Why Courses Flop, And How To Turn “Failure” Into Opportunity

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I’m the first person to admit when I’ve made a mistake.
But I can promise you this, when it happens: I learn something new every time.
Inside my private Facebook group for all of my students, my students often ask me to troubleshoot their challenges with launching their courses. Our FB Live chats and their questions inspired me to create this specific podcast episode for all of you. Based on my experiences with thousands of students, I’ve uncovered five core reasons why most online courses fail. My goal is to help make sure you don’t make these mistakes, and if you do, I want you to be able to learn from them and turn them into opportunities.
In this episode I also talk about the importance of a validation blitz, and knowing all about your potential student’s hopes and fears, and what may be holding them back. I go into step-by-step detail about how to conduct a validation blitz in my Courses That Convert Program. You can learn more about that program and how to get started with an online course with my free Masterclass—“How to Confidently Create Your First Profitable Course in 60 Days.” It’s a fun and comprehensive training that will help you get well on your way to creating your first training!
Also: if you've experienced any of these mistakes or if you've made a big mistake that I haven't mentioned here, I want you to come over to Instagram and DM me.
Check out these highlights:
Why your ideal customer avatar needs to be top of mind at all times. [3:48] I changed my mind on pre-selling, and you need to also. [8:25] The four things to do to make sure you get to the finish line with your course. [12:43] What to consider instead of signature courses. [14:42] How I had to enlist a colleague to keep me in check and keep out the fluff. [17:34] The best online courses are taught by the best teachers. What you need to do to become an engaging teacher. [20:40] Links mentioned in this episode:
Episode #206: “The Post-It Content Creation Mini Training”

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