Amy Porterfield

#131: How to Get Overwhelm to Eat Your Dust

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You’ve got this!
Today, I have three incredibly DOABLE solutions to rid yourself of the feeling that may be overtaking your life – OVERWHELM.
Ugh. I don’t even like saying the word, because I know how awful it can feel when it’s overtaking your life. And, I’m here to help.
For me, overwhelm shows itself when I feel like I’ve gotten behind or everything feels disorganized, and I know things could go in a really bad direction.
It’s in those moments that I use one of my personal stress strategies that I’ve been fine tuning ever since I started my own business.
In this episode I share a very personal struggle that I’ve been facing in my business. Some of my overwhelm has been coming from my issue with doing VIDEO. Ugh! Click here to hear my story - you might be able to relate.
I’m certain that you will find that one of the three solutions I share with you in my recent episode will come naturally for you. The other two you may have to work at more, but I promise you, if you put the work in, it will be SO WORTH IT.
The first one tells you the exact process you can do to wrap your head around what is really causing overwhelm for you.
The second solution tells you the steps you can take to lessen the stress in your life.
And, the third and final fix helps you get clear on the fear that might be getting in your way.
Like I said, you’ve totally got this! Use my Triple S to squash your overwhelm. Click here!
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