Amy Porterfield,Rachel Hollis

#205: The 3 Do’s and 3 Don’ts for Entrepreneurs In-the-Making

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Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:
The fear of not being good enough is a tough feeling to shake. If you struggle with this fear, I know it can show up way too often. Now, I can’t promise that it will ever completely go away—but I am proof that you can silence that voice A LOT. If this fear comes up for you, then this is the show for you. Today I’m going to introduce you to a powerhouse named Rachel Hollis—an amazing entrepreneur who manages a lifestyle website with almost two million readers each year and over 800,000 actively engaged followers on social media. Together, we’re talking about the pressures that you face as mothers and fathers and husbands and wives and employees, and of course, entrepreneurs. We’re talking do’s and don’ts for entrepreneurs-in-the-making, and specifically, how to break through some of those major fears that we are constantly up against as you put yourself out there on social media, and in videos, and everything else you do to build your online business. (2:25) Now, if you read the title of this episode and said something along the lines of, “Well, I’m not really sure I can call myself an entrepreneur…,” this is what I have to say to you: If you’re showing up, if you’re building your business, if you’re working hard toward your goals—you are legit! You are an entrepreneur, so it’s time to own it! So, if the fear of not being good enough, or that you’re not doing enough, or that you’re not doing it right, if those fears come up for you, then this is the show for you. Listen in.
This episode is brought to you by:
My incredible and free masterclass, “The Ultimate List Building Catch-Up Plan,” where you’ll learn my proven 3-stack system for leveraging the most powerful, “what’s working now” list-building strategies. You can sign up here.
Check out these highlights:
Why comparison is the death of joy. [5:39] What to do if you’re feeling guilty about taking time for your business.[7:34] Here’s the truth: Nobody cares about your dreams (it’s not as sad as it sounds, and it’s actually a good thing!). [10:33] Rachel’s story of being a fighter and pushing forward no matter what… [12:01] How to find your tribe (a.k.a. those who’ll build you up!). [13:58] Installing daily habits to emphasize your goals. [16:45] The real magic behind writing down goals. [21:35] About finding yourself in (or out) of balance… [24:30] Links mentioned in this episode:
Rachel’s book, Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be
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