Michael Stelzner,Social Media Examiner

Content Sharing: How to Build a Following Using Other People’s Content

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Do you have a content sharing strategy for your business?

Are you interested in discovering ways to leverage great content to promote your business and drive sales?

To learn how to build a following by sharing other people's content, I interview Guy Kawasaki.
More About This Show
The Social Media Marketing podcast is an on-demand talk radio show from Social Media Examiner. It's designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing.

In this episode I interview Guy Kawasaki, the author of the book Enchantment and the chief evangelist at Canva. His newest book is called The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users.

Guy explores how to build your social media following by sharing other people's content.

You'll discover how to create a consistent brand image for your company, develop a strategy for consistently sharing great content with your audience and leverage that content to promote your products or services.

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Here are some of the things you'll discover in this show:
Content Sharing
How Guy got started in social media

Depending on how you define social media, Guy was there at the very beginning with CompuServe forums. He says he was late to blogging, starting four or five years after it really took off, but gradually adopted social media much quicker over the years.

Guy joined Twitter six or seven months after it started, but was on Google+ six days after it launched.

Today, Guy considers social media as God's gift, especially for entrepreneurs, because it's fast, free and ubiquitous. It's a great equalizer and makes it possible to potentially reach millions of people with just one tweet, image or post.

Listen to the show to discover why Guy says we're in the renaissance of marketing.
Have a consistent image and mantra across all of your social networks

In Guy's new book he talks a lot about the importance of having a consistent brand image across all of your social media channels.

Guy advises against adopting a different persona for each social media platform. It's much too difficult to manage and will make people question who you really are.

You'll hear Guy explore the importance of having a mantra for your business and provides some great examples.

Your mantra explains who you are and why your product, service or business exists in two or three simple words. It should go in the Bio or About Me sections of all of your social media profiles.

Listen to the show to learn how your mantra is radically different than your company mission statement or slogan.

The importance of the Incognito Window

Guy explains that the Incognito Window is a feature found on all browsers, which allows you to browse your pages and your social profiles anonymously. This mode lets you see how a new visitor to your website will see it.

Many marketers will be amazed to discover that what they see on their own company's website on a day-to-day basis is not the same thing as most people see when they visit for the first time.

The Incognito Window mirrors a different online experience that you or someone inside your company may not even realize exists because you've gotten past the sign-ins, cookies and gates, whereas other people have not.

Listen to the show to learn why the Incognito Window matters to your business.

Guy's content-sharing philosophy

Guy says there are two key components to his entire strategy. He believes the most important test of all of social media is what he calls the "reshare test," which is: "Are you sharing something that other people will share with their friends and followers?"

You'll hear how he relates tipping in a restaurant to a +1 or a like, or something like a thumbs-up. Whereas with a share,
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