Fizzle. fm

Episode 2: 002 - Finding Your Voice Pt. 2

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This episode is the second of a two-part conversation on finding your voice as a writer, video maker, speaker, blogger or anything else. How can you be yourself and create engaging, memorable and shareable content instead of copying others (and fluffing out boring, tedious ignored work)? In this second part of the conversation we explore the topic a bit more before offering a ton of tips and tricks to help you discover your authentic, engaging and easy voice. A couple interesting tidbits are Chase’s bit on what he calls “chemicals” and how finding your voice is more like eating pie than hitting a baseball. Enticing, isn’t it? But that’s not even the best part — in this episode you’ll hear Corbett’s killer karaoke skills (and his insane ability to make a late 80’s power woman band land his point for him). Inexcusable. Unmissable. We also answer a couple great listener questions, one of which inspires an answer from Corbett we all absolutely needed to hear. Go to http://FizzleShow.com for more information. For show notes go to: http://fizzleshow.com/2Jun 04, 2013
The Fizzle Show
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