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  • mariemazzabi22citeerde uit8 maanden geleden
    is obvious that time is the most precious currency in your life.

    That's why we should start living and not just existing and waiting for the "right time" without being aware is that every minute that passes is never coming back

  • omamaarshad25citeerde uitvorig jaar
    sports psychology. This branch of psychology is dedicated to helping amateur and professional sportsmen and women reach the top of their personal sporting game.
  • ejekukorkciteerde uit10 maanden geleden
    Through our work in the field we’ve come to discover that fulfillment isn’t a moment in time – a destination – but the experience of enjoying the journey towards a destination that you deem valuable.
  • Elisa Skelciteerde uit10 maanden geleden
    Success to me is not about money or status or fame, it’s about finding a livelihood that brings me joy and self-sufficiency and a sense of contributing to the world.

    The meaning of your success is the answer of what drives you to success...
    Always have time for things that are meaningful to you

  • Omkar Sharmaciteerde uit5 maanden geleden
    Dig a well before you are thirsty.
  • Jacqueline Zepedaciteerde uit9 maanden geleden
    The good life needs to be balanced by achievement and meaning in order to actually feel good,
  • Cheska Alfarciteerde uit7 maanden geleden
    The good life needs to be balanced by achievement and meaning in order to actually feel good
  • b8252915677citeerde uit18 dagen geleden
    the way we believe we are perceived by others is crucial to the way we see ourselves and feel about ourselves
  • Menna Abu Zahraciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference

    Cordelia Fine, PhD

    New York • London
  • Menna Abu Zahraciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Of all difficulties which impede the progress of thought, and the formation of well-grounded opinions on life and social arrangements, the greatest is now the unspeakable ignorance and inattention of mankind in respect to the influences which form human character. Whatever any portion of the human species now are, or seem to be, such, it is supposed, they have a natural tendency to be: even when the most elementary knowledge of the circumstances in which they have been placed, clearly points out the causes that made them what they are.

    —John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women (1869)
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