
Anne Mather

Mildred Grieveson was born on October 10, 1946 in England. She had writtenall through her infant and junior years and on into her teens, the storieschanging from children's adventures to torrid gypsy passions. Her motherused to gather these up from time to time, when her bedroom became toountidy, and dispose of them!Mildred has always wanted to write - which is not to say she has alwayswanted to be a professional writer. One the contrary, for years She wroteonly for her own pleasure, and it wasn't until her husband suggested thatShe ought to send one of her stories to a publisher that they put severalpublishers names into a hat and pulled one out. The trouble was, She neverused to finish any of the stories, and Caroline, her first published book as Anne Mather, was the first book she'd actually completed. She was newlymarried then, and her daughter was just a baby, and it was quite a jobjuggling her household chores and scribbling away in exercise books everychance She got. Not very professional, as you can see, but that's the way itwas. The rest as they say in history. And now, more than 160 books later,She's literally - excuse the pun - staggered by what happened. She alsopublished books as Caroline Fleming or Cardine Fleming. Her Anne Mather'snovel, Leopard in the Snow, was developed into a 1978 movie.Mildred now has two grown-up children, a son and daughter, and two adorablegrandchildren, Abigail and Ben.
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