Tom Standage

The Victorian Internet

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A new edition of the first book by the bestselling author of A History of the World in 6 Glasses-the fascinating story of the telegraph, the world's first “Internet,” which revolutionized the nineteenth century even more than the Internet has the twentieth and twenty first.The Victorian Internet tells the colorful story of the telegraph's creation and remarkable impact, and of the visionaries, oddballs, and eccentrics who pioneered it, from the eighteenth-century French scientist Jean-Antoine Nollet to Samuel F. B. Morse and Thomas Edison. The electric telegraph nullified distance and shrank the world quicker and further than ever before or since, and its story mirrors and predicts that of the Internet in numerous ways.
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  • vvxdeelde een impressie7 jaar geleden
    💡Heel leerzaam
    🌴Mooi tussendoortje

    Отличная книжка. Стэндидж, конечно, иногда слишком напорист, проводя аналогию телеграфа с интернетом, но, в общем, всё верно, остроумно и куча интересных историй. Кстати, не менее забавно читать послесловие к изданию 2007 года — там про бум СМСок ;)) В общем, the telegram is dead; long live the telegram.
    P.S. Жаль, что книгу, видимо, никогда не переведут на русский (


  • vvxciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    Having been inaugurated with Samuel Morse's first official telegram, "What hath God wrought!" in 1844, telegraph service in the United States was discontinued in 2006 with a rather more prosaic message: "Effective January 27, 2006, Western Union will discontinue all Telegram and Commercial Messaging services. We regret any inconvenience this may cause you, and we thank you for your loyal patronage."
  • vvxciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    The telegram is dead; long live the telegram.
  • vvxciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    In addition to being the first war in which a government had to take the existence of the telegraph into account when making news public, the Crimean War was the first in which the telegraph played a strategic role

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