And then the Louer, Sighing like Furnace, with a wofull ballad Made to his Mistresse eye-brow.
Bardolatorciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
Beautie prouoketh theeues sooner then gold
kenneth Steve Aguilarciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
All the world's a stage, And all the men and women, meerely Players; They haue their Exits and their Entrances, And one man in his time playes many parts
The Prisonerciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
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Teen Factciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
Actus primus. Scoena Prima.
Martín Chociteerde uit6 jaar geleden
Good shepheard, tell this youth what 'tis to loue
Martín Chociteerde uit6 jaar geleden
The Foole doth thinke he is wise, but the wiseman knowes himselfe to be a Foole
Martín Chociteerde uit6 jaar geleden
Then in their countenance: will you heare the letter?
Martín Chociteerde uit6 jaar geleden
Why, tis a boysterous and a cruell stile, A stile for challengers: why, she defies me, Like Turke to Christian: womens gentle braine Could not drop forth such giant rude inuention, Such Ethiop words, blacker
Martín Chociteerde uit6 jaar geleden
No, that same wicked Bastard of Venus, that was begot of thought, conceiu'd of spleene, and