Sara Wachter-Boettcher,Eric Meyer

Design for Real Life

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165 afgedrukte pagina’s
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  • Вадим Мазурdeelde een impressie2 jaar geleden


  • Вадим Мазурciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    We’ll never gather every single perspective; we can’t interview the universe every time we build a website. But even with a handful of diverse people, we can learn a tremendous amount about where our product might break, and how we can avoid that
  • Вадим Мазурciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    When you’re designing a form, try reading every question out loud to an imagined stranger, listening to how it sounds and imagining the questions they might have in response.
  • Вадим Мазурciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    As you read aloud, pretend you're talking to a real person and ask yourself "Would I say this to someone in real life?"

Op de boekenplanken

  • Konstantin
    Web Design
    • 21
    • 2
  • Federico
    • 9
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