Nicky Falkof

Ball and Chain

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We live in a world of cohabitation, single parents and gay relationships, where all types of affairs are socially and morally acceptable. And yet some of us are still attached to the outdated notion of marriage. What is this illogical fixation? Why are we so concerned about justifying our life choices with a piece of legal paper? Soaring divorce rates and rampant infidelity prove that getting married is no guarantee of a successful partnership in today's fast-paced world. So what exactly is the appeal? “Ball and Chain” is a witty but essentially serious dissection of our continued obsession with marriage, an obsession that can lead to spiralling debt, personal misery and even bankruptcy. Examining all the flawed reasons that people give for getting married – from social pressure to financial necessity – it reveals the sometimes terrible outcomes, such as the previously unknown yet now strangely rampant conditions of post-nuptial depression and marriage addiction. Then there are the insane costs of lavish modern weddings, which can affect a new couple's start in life, leading them into debt and penury all for the sake of one big blow-out day. Using a combination of facts and figures and case study interviews, the book will examine the many negative effects that marriage can have on a relationship and on an individual. It includes the harsh truths about divorce, the difficulties of getting out of an unhappy marriage and all number of fallacies about marriage. Suggesting alternative ways of living, “Ball and Chain” will put the case succinctly, amusingly and honestly that the one-size-fits-all solution of marriage is just not suitable for everyone. Modern couples have the right – indeed, the responsibility – to make their life choices based on their and their lovers' needs, rather than on constricting, constraining conventions.
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