J.D.,M.S,MSN,APN,DNP,RN,CPN,Diana Faugno,DF-IAFN,DNSc,FAAFS,FAAN,FNP-BC,Patricia M. Speck,Angelia Clark Trujillo,Barbra A. Bachmeier,NP-C,SANE-P

Manual Nonfatal Strangulation Assessment for Health Care Providers and First Responders

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138 pages, 112 images, 15 contributors

Manual Nonfatal Strangulation Assessment for Health Care Providers and First Responders is designed to standardize anatomic nomenclature, as it relates to the head and neck, for both new and experienced sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs) and sexual assault forensic examiners (SAFEs), first responders, medical residents and physicians, nursing students, and nurse practitioners, including nurse midwives, women’s health nurse practitioners, pediatric nurse practitioners, and forensic nurse practitioners. It will present peer-reviewed strangulation case studies with a clear history, photographic representation and confirmation of anatomical landmarks and injuries, discussions about existing conditions and their influence, identification of injury, evidence-based collection techniques, and treatment based on current standards of practice. Offering this workbook to first responders and health care providers will help fulfill their need for basic, peer-reviewed information and will contribute to continuing competence in care for strangulation patients.
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