sed himself onto the bed and winced when the mattress sagged under his weight. Pain ricocheted through his body. He unbuttoned his shirt and grimaced as he eased it over his shoulders. The simple act of swinging his legs onto the bed and resting again
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
After these last few days with Susie, however, he knew he wouldn’t come here again without her. If they
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
He was out the door before she could tell him she did care.
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
The very first thing was your incredible blue eyes. It was like wham, a punch to my stomach when you first looked at
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
Tears sparkled in his eyes when he kissed her softly. “I’ve never loved you more than I do right now
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
He’d never understood how one woman could have such power over him. Susannah had been right when she
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
Mixed into the collage was an ultrasound photo. “Oh,” she said with a small gasp as she fingered the yellowing
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
Susannah stepped closer to get a better look at the photos he had hung on the door: her engagement picture, their wedding
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
I was just going to say I was always proud of you and everything you accomplished in your career. I’m
Pradishma Nagvekarciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
I love them. You know I do.”
“And I love you. I don’t think I’ve mentioned that yet today.”