“I just learned a great French expression,” Sarah told him. “Mi chien mi loup
Habitante de librociteerde uit2 jaar geleden
The governing principle of forensic science, as laid down by Edmond Locard at the beginning of the last century, is ‘every contact leaves a trace.’ ”
Habitante de librociteerde uit2 jaar geleden
“ ‘There’s a war on, you know.’ ” Chuck hugged her. “Carpe diem, my friend,” she said. “Take it from me—carpe the fucking diem.”
Habitante de librociteerde uit2 jaar geleden
Why can’t we do something like go swimming, walk at night, cross the bloody street without constantly being reminded our bodies are merely things, ripe for insulting, leering at, and aggressive propositioning?
Habitante de librociteerde uit2 jaar geleden
And you ended it with her?” “She ended it with me.” “And broke your heart. Are you over her?” “Are we ever over the people we’ve loved?”
Habitante de librociteerde uit2 jaar geleden
“Careful not to read too much—you’ll never get married,”
Habitante de librociteerde uit2 jaar geleden
“Have you ever realized Dante was the first to think of hell as a planned space in an urban environment?
Habitante de librociteerde uit2 jaar geleden
The historian can peg the point where a society begins its sharpest decline at the instant when women begin to take part, on an equal footing with men.