Bernays made it into a quasi-scientific matter, but the beneficiaries were the agricultural producers, his clients, who reaped the profits when his ideas got across to the general public
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Public relations, effectively used, helps validate an underlying principle of our society—competition in the market place of ideas and things
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Among Bernays’ many clients were the Waldorf-Astoria, Procter & Gamble, General Electric, General Motors, Time, Inc., CBS, and NBC.
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Social historians have credited
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helping anti-smoking campaigns.
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Bernays turned his talents to
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when he became aware that many women smokers were avoiding the brand’s green packaging because they felt it didn’t go well with their favorite clothes, he staged green-based fashion events and well-publicized green balls, to popularize green as a fashion color.
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working for Lucky Strike cigarettes in the 1920s, he didn’t just push his brand, but devised events and publicity to popularize smoking itself, especially smoking among elegant young women who,
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pound consumers with the virtues of an individual product—that was the realm of advertising. Instead he worked to change attitudes in a way that would lead to the desired result
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use of endorsements from opinion leaders, celebrities, and experts, and surveys which he publicized to buttress whatever case he was trying to make.