Avni Doshi

Burnt Sugar

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  • evshirninaciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    A low dose of something can be a panacea. A high dose can be fatal.
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    How many times must a performance be repeated before it becomes reality? If a falsehood is enacted enough, does it begin to sound factual? Is a pathway created for lies to become true in the brain
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    Though if they repeat it long enough, if the act is internalized – would it be an act any more? Can a performance of pleasure, even love, turn into a true experience if one becomes fluent enough in it? When does the performance become reality
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    How do I explain that we are all refugees in this place, constantly redrawing the borders
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    It is clear to me that my mother is a child – emotionally, she has
    never progressed past being a teenager. She is still at the mercy of hormones. She still thinks in terms of freedom and passion.

    And love
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    Maybe our mothers always create a lack in us, and our children continue to fulfil the prophecy
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    Tara. It means star
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    Aren’t we creatures made for searching, investigation, dominion? Aren’t we built to believe there can always be something better
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    but maybe my feelings for her would pierce a little too sharply. I’m not sure if that particular pain would suit me
  • Elza Holtciteerde uit3 jaar geleden
    I’ve always thought I would have a boy, even though the idea of a girl is more interesting. I sense my attachment to a daughter would be more profound
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