sad, dismayed, sleepless. . . . They become thin by their agitation and loss of refreshing sleep. . . . At a more advanced stage, they complain of a thousand futilities and desire death.
Menna Abu Zahraciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
It is noteworthy that Aretaeus specifically delineated the manic-depressive cycle
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He also referred to swings similar to mania and depression
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number of ancient writers under the classification of “melancholia.”
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Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the established market economies around the world.7
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the population age 18 or older) in a given year suffer from some form of depressive disorder.
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The National Institute of Mental Health (USA)7 reports that 18.8 million American adults (9.5 percent of
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10–25 percent for females.
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Worldwide, Murray and Lopez3 found unipolar major depression to be the leading cause of disability in 1990, measured in years lived with a disability. Unipolar depression accounted for more than one in every ten years of life lived with a disability.
Menna Abu Zahraciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
According to Kline,1 more human suffering has resulted from depression than from any other single disease affecting humankind.