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Summary : Moments Of Truth – Jan Carlzon

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The must-read summary of Jan Carlzon’s book: “Moments of Truth: New Strategies for Today’s Customer-Driven Economy”. This complete summary of the ideas from Jan Carlzon’s book “Moments of Truth” shows how the best way of delivering consistently high-quality moments of truth lies in building a customer-driven company. The author explains the six essential characteristics of this type of company and how all of these elements can be brought together to achieve significant success. By applying these six principles, you can learn how to focus on your customers and guarantee success. Added-value of this summary: • Save time • Understand the key principles • Expand your business knowledge To learn more, read “Moments of Truth” to discover how you can apply the six essential principles that lead to real moments of truth.
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31 afgedrukte pagina’s
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  • rahulsingh12ihmciteerde uit8 jaar geleden
    Summary of Moments Of Truth (Jan Carlzon)

    Jan Carlzon’s Business Career Highlights
    Main Idea
    The concepts and philosophies of the customer-driven company were not developed through academic studies or an analysis of a broad range of companies. Instead, they were developed in Jan Carlzon’s experiences turning around three Scandinavian companies:
    Vingresor – a vacation package tour developer
    Linjeflyg – Sweden’s domestic airline
    Scandinavian Airlines –Sweden’s international airline
    Supporting Ideas
    The management challenges faced in each of these three companies were significant and daunting.
    When Jan Carlzon was appointed president at age 32, he suddenly found himself in charge of 1,400 employees.
    He started out trying to make every decision himself, until a friend told him to be himself rather than trying to act like a management guru. Instead, Carlzon started focusing on creating an atmosphere where all employees could be more productive.
    When the company found itself in a market slump, Jan Carlzon suggested increasing the service level and squeezing costs. The entire company was reorganized to handle customers more efficiently and flexibly.
    Within a year of Jan Carlzon taking over, Vingresor earned the largest profit in the company’s history – and continued to grow and expand from that point onwards.
    At age 36, Jan Carlzon was offered the presidency of Linjeflyg, Sweden’s domestic airline – which had lost $3 million the previous year.
    Carlzon changed the company’s emphasis from being product-oriented to being customer-driven. One of his first acts was to cut fares – to encourage people to fly more and drive less.
    Carlzon’s four-point strategy for Linjeflyg was:
  • rahulsingh12ihmciteerde uit8 jaar geleden
    Book Presentation

    Moments Of Truth by Jan Carlzon

    Book Abstract
    A company is defined in the minds of its customers as the composite total of every moment of truth – those short periods when the customer interacts with the company or one of its employees.
    The best approach to delivering consistently high-quality moments of truth lies in building a customer-driven company. The essential characteristics of this type of company are:
    The employees who interact with customers have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the company.
    Middle managers who work to manage resources so the frontline employees can be more effective.

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