William Kennedy,Ph.D.,Wayne Turner,Barney L.Capehart,C.E.M.,P.E.

Guide to Energy Management: Eighth Edition, International Version

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The international version includes all material covered in the standard edition, but numerical data and calculations are expressed in Système International (SI) units.

Bringing to the forefront the most critical areas of effective energy cost cutting, this fully revised edition of this best-selling energy manager's guide provides the very latest strategies for improving lighting, combustion processes, steam generation/distribution, and industrial waste re-utilization. This book examines the core objectives of effective energy management, and clearly illustrates the techniques and tools proven most effective in achieving results. Topics include distributed generation, energy auditing, rate structures, economic evaluation techniques, lighting efficiency improvement, HVAC optimization, combustion and use of industrial wastes, steam generation and distribution system performance, control systems and computers, energy systems maintenance, renewable energy, and industrial water management.
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