live each fucking day, love this person because they won't be here for much longer.
Allan Farmerciteerde uit22 dagen geleden
he was still alive, but there was no heartbeat to the life he'd been left with, no warmth.
Allan Farmerciteerde uit23 dagen geleden
good music is good music, doesn't matter what instrument you’re using.
Allan Farmerciteerde uit25 dagen geleden
and for the first time Leke noticed loneliness
Allan Farmerciteerde uit25 dagen geleden
and for the first time Leke noticed loneliness
Allan Farmerciteerde uitvorige maand
Always try and feed from the breast first though. But we'll give you formula as a last measure.
Allan Farmerciteerde uitvorige maand
I've worked very hard and tried many things but I am still uncertain about a way out of “darkness”.
Allan Farmerciteerde uitvorige maand
She'd never been able to answer the question for herself, whether she was beautiful or not.
Allan Farmerciteerde uitvorige maand
It's so loud here, I can hardly think. Sometimes I can't feel myself. I mean I can't hear myself. I don't know if I'm making sense. The sound of this place is ugly and crude and grating. I can't sleep at night.