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Alex Bellos

Alex's Adventures in Numberland

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The world of maths can seem mind-boggling, irrelevant and, let's face
it, boring. This groundbreaking book reclaims maths from the geeks.
Mathematical ideas underpin just about everything in our lives: from the
surprising geometry of the 50p piece to how probability can help you 
win in any casino. In search of weird and wonderful mathematical
phenomena, Alex Bellos travels across the globe and meets the world's
fastest mental calculators in Germany and a startlingly numerate
chimpanzee in Japan. Packed with fascinating, eye-opening anecdotes, Alex's Adventures in Numberland is an exhilarating cocktail of history, reportage and mathematical proofs that will leave you awestruck.
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938 afgedrukte pagina’s
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  • Emihle Ngevaciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Abstract mathematical thought is one of the great achievements of the human race, and arguably the foundation of all human progress.
  • Emihle Ngevaciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Unlike the humanities, which are in a permanent state of reinvention, as new ideas or fashions replace old ones, and unlike applied science, where theories are undergoing continual refinement, mathematics does not age. The theorems of Pythagoras and Euclid are as valid now as they always were – which is why Pythagoras and Euclid are the oldest names we study at school.

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