E.M. Cioran

The Temptation to Exist

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This collection of eleven essays originally appeared in France thirty years ago and created a literary whirlwind on the Left Bank. Cioran writes incisively about Western civilizations, the writer, the novel, mystics, apostles, and philosophers.The Temptation to Exist first introduced this brilliant European thinker twenty years ago to American readers, in a superb translation by Richard Howard. This literary mystique around Cioran continues to grow, and The Temptation to Exist has become an underground classic. In this work Cioran writes about Western civilizations, the writer, the novel, about mystics, apostles, philosophers. For those to whom the very word philosophy brings visions of arduous reading, be assured: Cioran is crystal-clear, his style quotable and aphoristic.“A sort of final philosopher of the Western world. His statements have the compression of poetry and the audacity of cosmic clowning”—The Washington Post
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253 afgedrukte pagina’s
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  • Liamciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    However grave its consequences may have been, the rejection of Christianity remains the Jews’ finest exploit, a no which does them honor.
  • Liamciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    The only minds which seduce us are the minds which have destroyed themselves trying to give their lives a meaning.
  • Liamciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    We can never ponder enough Kirilov’s description of Stavrogin: “When he believes, he doesn’t believe he believes; and when he doesn’t believe, he doesn’t believe he doesn’t believe.”
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