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Elizabeth J.Sabet

High Vibrational Living – The High Road to Self-Awareness

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This mini eBook gives the reader a quick process to increase their awareness of how their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are helping or hindering their life. This book also offers quick tools the reader can use to transform their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to help empower them into taking highly effective action in their lives.
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25 afgedrukte pagina’s
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  • Paula Tapriciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    This action strengthens the negative. When we project mixed signals we get mixed results and do not usually get our needs fully met. The negative ego then uses the mixed results to justify being resentful, angry, or offended; even worse, it justifies the suffering caused by not getting its needs met, creating resentments that we can harbor for years, even lifetimes.
  • Paula Tapriciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    It’s plain and simple: either you are committed, or you are holding reservations. It is so important to be radically honest and to admit all your reservations to yourself and others who are invested in your endeavor. By allowing your reservations or concerns to be voiced, you will find hidden jewels of information.
  • Paula Tapriciteerde uit2 jaar geleden
    Commitment means you are willing to do what it takes to reach your goal, to be the person you want to be, to live the life you say you want. Y

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