Murray Carpenter

Caffeinated: How Our Daily Habit Hooks, Helps and Hurts Us

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Most people can’t get through the day without a hit of caffeine. Chances are you’re one of them. But do you really know what that daily coffee or coke is doing to you?
Caffeine is a powerful stimulant. It wakes us up, boosts our mood, and offers the potential to improve both our athletic performance and our intellectual prowess.
But did you know that caffeine can play a role in health problems such as obesity and anxiety, depending on how it is delivered to the body? Many purveyors of caffeine-based products have ducked regulation for decades – how have they been allowed to get away with this? And are you aware of how caffeine is used to reinforce buying patterns, sharpening our craving for it?
From the coffee farms of Guatemala to the world’s largest synthetic caffeine factory in China, Murray Carpenter draws on the latest research to reveal the little-known truths about this addictive, largely unregulated drug that we consume every day in coffee, energy drinks, teas, colas, chocolate, and even painkillers.
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Op de boekenplanken

  • HarperCollins Publishers
    • 17.9K
    • 273
  • Thomas Beltoft Ørbæk
    • 3
    • 1
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