Offered to you materials are Oris's Channeling Contacts with the commanders and crew members of the Sirius-A and Sirius-B starships, as well as with other extraterrestrial Consciousnesses and Civilizations, including the Consciousness of Christ, Lord Maitreya, God of the Sun (the Logos of our Solar System), Elohim (the Creators of our Universe), and the four Archangels (Michael, Uriil, Gabriel and Metatron), are unique because they are literally received “first-hand” and contain very valuable information, useful for all humanity, which lives on the eve of the Transfiguration of the Earth.
Out of all the huge number of Extraterrestrial Contacts made by the author, this collection contains the most relevant Contacts, in the author's opinion.
This compilation contains most of information that is published in individual books 1 to 11 under this series («Extraterrestrial Contacts»).