Colleen Zuck,Laura Harvey,Patricia Tinney

Daily Word Prosperity

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Prosperity is more than money. It's the inner, unchanging, safe, secure, all-providing substance of God. Build a prosperity consciousness with this 90-day program from the publishers of Daily Word magazine. Daily Word Prosperity provides the reader with tips and tools for claiming and owning abundance in finances, health, and relationships.

With chapters such as Change, Employment, Finances, Health and Wellnes, and more, you will…

Discover how to take a spiritual approach to being prosperous.

Learn spiritual jump starts that provide a rich source of inspiration and motivation.

Develop an awareness of and receptivity to the blessings that are there for you.
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  • Nwokobia Theociteerde uit9 jaar geleden
    “Look, I have set before you an open door,
    which no one is able to shut.”
    –Revelation 3:8
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