There’s nothing worse for the collector than encountering a drunken artist, unless he’s famous for being drunk, and you are not, dear.
Nikolai C.citeerde uit4 jaar geleden
The lunatics—they were brought here, sometimes. Got their name from the moon, it was only fair the moon had a chance to fix things
Maksim Kuvshinovciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
It was haloed by the light, and shimmered, and I could not have told you how near it was or how far away.
Maksim Kuvshinovciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
Calum MacInnes dangled from the end of the rope.
Maksim Kuvshinovciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
we overtook an old woman and a man
Maksim Kuvshinovciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
I heard them, and could not stop hearing them, and sleep was hard in the finding that night.
Maksim Kuvshinovciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
He had his way with her, beneath the sheepskin that covered that bed, and before he did that, he beat her for feeding us and for letting us in.
Maksim Kuvshinovciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
Calum set a sober pace and I walked beside him, taking two steps for every one of his.
Maksim Kuvshinovciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
‘They said they drew lots fairly, but I do not believe it.
Maksim Kuvshinovciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
I told him of his father, who never came back from the sea – some said he was dead and lost overboard, while some swore blind they’d seen him running a whorehouse in Amsterdam.