Telmo Sampaio,Karlene Stewart

Meet the Imaginative Joe Dreamer

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Meet the Imaginative Joe Dreamer is the first in a series of children's picture books, introducing a young boy, who channels his frustrations into his creative passions – drawing and his imagination. In this first edition, Joe faces the challenge of going to the beach on a rainy day.
The book is set in the beautiful Cayman Islands, where Joe resides with his parents. Joe's parents are entertained by his creativity and sense of humor. Similarly, the book serves to encourage young children to be creative and imaginative. Older children may read alone, or younger children may have their parents read to them. This cozy picture book, is a great read for any family, as it brings together exciting ingredients of the Caribbean, imagination, and viewing problem solving through a young child's eyes.
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31 afgedrukte pagina’s
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