“Connie … you’re single?” The stewardess laughed. “A bear shit in the woods?”
poornemaciteerde uit6 jaar geleden
The typical Tales fan is simply someone who revels in the act of being oneself—whatever that might be—and of letting others do the same.
poornemaciteerde uit6 jaar geleden
One of them even kept an elaborate chart in his office to insure that the homo characters in “Tales” didn’t suddenly outnumber the hetero ones and thereby undermine the natural order of civilization.
poornemaciteerde uit6 jaar geleden
Nicholas and Alexandra
poornemaciteerde uit6 jaar geleden
Barbary Lane, a narrow, wooded walkway off Leavenworth between Union and Filbert
Alexander Sokolovciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
“Affairettes don’t count.”
Alexander Sokolovciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
The copy read: “Under my clothes, I like to feel Adorable.”
Alexander Sokolovciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
Could you tell me the difference between Downy and Cheer?”
Yury & Jenny Dymovciteerde uit8 jaar geleden
“What sign are you?” She wanted to say, “Do Not Disturb.” She said, “What sign do you think I am?”