Seleuces was the Macedonian general that Alexander the Great left in charge of conquered Persia (largely what’s now Iran) in the 330s BC.
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Middle Ages and medieval mean the same thing: an age between ages.
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Building Empires around the World
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With Alexander gone, the generals were free to turn their territories, which they had been holding in trust for their boss, into personal kingdoms.
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Roman terms endured as well, especially terms for positions of authority.The Russian title czar
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The name of a powerful dynastic family, the Romanovs, who ruled Russia from 1613–1917, referred back to imperial Rome, too. Even in the Islamic world, the name Qaysar — a place name found from Afghanistan to Egypt — comes from Caesar
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Catholicism was the universal religion: Everybody was a Catholic, but they didn’t think of themselves as Catholics because there was no such thing as a Protestant.
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The Holy Roman Empire is not to be confused with the Roman Empire.
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Rome’s legacy pervades the Mediterranean,
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the Church was in Rome because of what Rome had been at its political height — the center of the western world.