Julie Garwood


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From Publishers WeeklyPrincess Alesandra (of some unspecified country) has been happily tucked away in a convent, but in 1820 the wicked General Ivan indicates that he has designs on the princess: if he marries her, he can take over the kingdom. Alesandra's guardian, the Duke of Williamshire, brings her to England to assure her safety. Unfortunately, the duke and his wife become afflicted with a “mysterious ailment”; the only solution is for the princess to live with Colin, the duke's eligible bachelor son, in his London townhouse. The duke and duchess think Colin should marry Alesandra. Colin, however, wants no part of marriage; and Alesandra, who alternates between moments of intelligence and sheer vacancy, will marry anyone who won't hand her over to that awful Ivan fellow. When Alesandra is almost abducted by men from her homeland, Colin's protective instincts shift into high gear. Can love be far behind? Also lurking in the background is a serial killer, who threatens Alesandra but serves no immediate purpose in furthering the silly plot. Garwood ( The Secret ) has done better work than this.
Copyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.
ReviewRomantic TimesA charming, sweet, funny romance, brimming with sparkling dialogue, delightful characters, and a story that flies.
RendevousThe story is splendid, the characters are wonderful, and the dialogue excellent….The secondary characters are marvelous and there are many from which to choose, including some of our friends from Ms. Garwood's earlier books….A keeper.
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397 afgedrukte pagina’s
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  • Simuzer Qurbanovdeelde een impressie5 jaar geleden
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    Mene gore en gozel yazicilardan biri Julie Garwood.Onun butun eserlerine heyranam ve kitablarindan kesinlikle ayrilmaq olmur.Mence heyati sevgini ,dostlugu , insanlar arasindaki derin bağı , tutkunu ,macerani onun kimi qeleme alan yoxdu.Gunun birinde onun kimi yazici olmagi arzuluyuram...

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