'On the other hand, it does bring people together.
In the nude, or the near-nude, the shop-girl and the duchess are virtually indistinguishable.'
tontchaciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
Sunbathing is anti-social because it's an entirely passive pursuit.'
tontchaciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
'So you see, I fear that the church, like its symbol -' here he pointed to the cross' - may have outlived its function.'
tontchaciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
'Of course, Mr Constantin.' The supervisor's face was relaxed and almost genial. 'I understand. When you know you are innocent, then you are guilty.'
tontchaciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
he realised that Malek's proficiency at chess, and his ability to produce powerful combinations out of pedestrian openings, was symptomatic of his concealed power over Constantin.
tontchaciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
Though anyone who gets as far as the Moon and is fool enough to come back deserves what he gets.'
tontchaciteerde uit4 jaar geleden
(If the sea was a symbol of the unconscious, was space perhaps an image of unfettered time, and the inability to penetrate it a tragic exile to one of the limbos of eternity, a symbolic death in life?)