Tony Kelbrat

The “People Power” Education Superbook: Book 8. Academic Reference – Writing Guide (Reference Websites, Knowledge Databases, Journals, Formal Writing With Citations)

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A long time ago, I was clued out about everything. I had to create a map for myself firstly for the academic world that I was part of for awhile then when I decided it was too boring for me, I joined the real world, had to learn about practical knowledge so I created the “People Power” books.

I know all about practical and academic knowledge now. The average person doesn't. This book will help you get started. You need the library guidebook too because libraries are still cool. If you’re a floundering idiot in money, go to #332 and find some good, current money books or if you’re looking for a job, go to #331.

I know that every year all over the world, there are millions of undergrads starting to get indoctrinated into how to write an academic paper. If you have this book, it might save you a lot of time learning about academia.

Basic Reference Information

Books about how to do research are at #001.42 or Q180.55 at the library and #021 to #031.
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