Jason M.Hough

The Exodus Towers

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Their automated ship planted a space elevator on earth. Years later a virus ravaged the planet. Now the Builders have returned. When the second elevator makes landfall in Belém, Brazil, a cluster of mysterious black towers appears at its base. Skyler Luiken and his crew soon learn that the alien structures inhibit the deadly virus and establish a new colony. But when he encounters a crashed Builder ship outside of the safe zone, Skyler makes a horrifying discovery: the infected are mutating… As militants seize control of the fledgling colony in Belém, and power struggles above and below the Darwin Elevator threaten to destroy it, Dr Tania Sharma races to predict the next Builder event. Will the last human outposts on Earth survive to see it? Praise for the Darwin Elevator: “Imaginative plotting and realistic dialogue . . . will keep readers enthralled and eagerly awaiting the next instalment.” Publishers Weekly “Intense and satisfying… I couldn't put this book down.” Hugh Howey, bestselling author of Wool.
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Titan Books
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