I can’t tell you how many emotionally neglected adults, when asked if they grew up feeling loved, will answer, “I always knew my parents loved me.” Knowing is not feeling, and feeling is the key here.
Ayrina 🧸citeerde uit5 jaar geleden
“Do unto your child as you wish your parents had done unto you.”
Ayrina 🧸citeerde uit5 jaar geleden
the only way to give your child what you don’t have yourself is to provide yourself with what you don’t have.
Ayrina 🧸citeerde uit5 jaar geleden
Children just react when they don’t get what they want. But that doesn’t mean that it’s bad that they didn’t get what they wanted. They’ll benefit greatly from seeing you value yourself and your own needs. It will enable them to grow up valuing themselves and their own needs.
Ayrina 🧸citeerde uit5 jaar geleden
“I swore I wouldn’t make the same mistake with my children as my parents did with me.”
Ayrina 🧸citeerde uit5 jaar geleden
Be aware of your feelings, accept them
and share them with others.
Ayrina 🧸citeerde uit5 jaar geleden
Feelings do not always make rational sense, but they always exist for a good reason.
Ayrina 🧸citeerde uit5 jaar geleden
The reality is that the smartest people are those who use their emotions to help them think and who use their thoughts to manage their emotions.