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Weiss Alan

Million Dollar Consulting Proposals

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  • Katherine Dzunovichciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    Conceptual agreement: Concurrence with that buyer about the objectives for the project, the metrics that will measure progress and/or success, and the value to the organization and the buyer that will accrue as a result of meeting those objectives.
  • Katherine Dzunovichciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    Serve as an agreement for nonvalue relationships, such as pricing by day, participant, materials, labor, and so forth.1
  • Katherine Dzunovichciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    Cite legal provisions and covenants.
    Be valid and acceptable without time limits.
  • Katherine Dzunovichciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    Describe the value that will occur once the objectives are met (both personally and professionally).
    Supply options from which the buyer can choose to determine the amount of value sought in return on the investment (ROI) committed.
  • Katherine Dzunovichciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    Summarize and convey formally the conceptual agreements reached in discussions to that point between you and the economic buyer.
    Detail the objectives of the project.
    Provide for the metrics of success.
  • Ivanciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    Three golden rules:
    7. Options escalate business dramatically.
    8. If you don’t ask, you don’t get.
    9. You are past the point of return in terms of negotiating.
  • Ivanciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    And the buyer just may suggest that you return in person for a “final” discussion with the amendments.
  • Ivanciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    When a buyer says, “Great proposal, it’s made it to the short list,” or “We’re now looking only at you and one other firm,” or “Someone else is 25 percent less expensive making it a harder choice for me,” you do not have a trusting relationship with the buyer.
  • Ivanciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    Two golden rules:
    10. You’re most influential when you’re not there with the proposal.
    11. Don’t fix things that are working just fine.
  • Ivanciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
    4. If the buyer says, “Yes, I haven’t seen your fees!” respond, “That’s true, and you’ll see fees, options, and ROI in detail tomorrow!”
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