Will turned to me. “I apologize for my boyfriend.” Nico rolled his eyes. “Could you not—” “Would you prefer special guy?” Will asked. “Or significant other?” “Significant annoyance, in your case,” Nico grumbled. “Oh, I’ll get you for that.”
Дафна Вандерciteerde uit6 jaar geleden
That pretty much describes my entire life: Because Poseidon.”
anderswesthciteerde uit6 jaar geleden
a New York State junior driver’s license featuring a photo of a dorky, curly-haired teen who could not possibly be me, with the name Lester Papadopoulos. The cruelty of Zeus knew no bounds
Anindya Kinasihciteerde uit7 jaar geleden
“And Nico,” said Nico. “I have a doctor’s note.” “Fine!” I said.
♡ Lily Waters ♡citeerde uit6 maanden geleden
“I poked that guy Connor in the eyes.”
Chiron winced. “That’s nice, dear….
Ashciteerde uit9 maanden geleden
Ashciteerde uit9 maanden geleden
Percy Jackson had arrived.
Ashciteerde uit9 maanden geleden
Meanwhile, Ellis and Cecil stood on either side of the Colossus, throwing rocks at his shins. From the camp, a volley of flaming ballista projectiles exploded against Mr. Gorgeous’s naked backside, which made me clench in sympathy.
Ashciteerde uit9 maanden geleden
Buck-naked statue
A Neurotic Colossus
Where art thy undies?
Ashciteerde uit9 maanden geleden
Don’t blame me, his tone implied. It’s the lightning bolt that seared every molecule in your body. Many years later, when I killed the Cyclopes who made Zeus’s lightning, it was no rash decision. I’d always hated those lightning bolts. It was easier than hating my father.