Kate DiCamillo

The Magician's Elephant

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  • Tamara Vaniaciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
    The undoing is almost always more difficult than the doing.
  • Tamara Vaniaciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
    The world is broken, thought Peter, and it cannot be fixed.
  • Tamara Vaniaciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
    It is a bad thing to have love and nowhere to put it.
  • ainevlaciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
    What was it like, Peter wondered, to have someone who knew you would always return and who welcomed you with open arms?
  • Tamara Vaniaciteerde uit5 jaar geleden
    Looking out over the city, Peter decided that it was a terrible and complicated thing to hope, and that it might be easier, instead, to despair.
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