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Jason Scotts

Exercise For The Brain: 70 Neurobic Exercises To Increase Mental Fitness & Prevent Memory Loss

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If you are interested in learning the best ways possible to improve mental health then you need a copy of “Exercises For The Brain & Memory : 70 Neurobic Exercises & Fun Puzzles To Increase Mental Fitness & Boost Your Brain Juice Today.”This text is written in a fashion that is easy to understand and the author himself has used quite a number of the techniques outlined in the text to his own benefit. As more and more persons seek better ways to retain and improve their memory this text is well timed. It gives the reader the solutions that they need to get started on the path to having a fantastic memory. Just as the body needs physical exercises in order to function correctly, the brain needs to be exercised as well to prevent it from becoming sluggish. In addition, you've probably heard the saying that as you get older, you starting becoming more forgetful and your brain just doesn't function as well as it used to in your prime. Well, that eventuality can be slowed down in a fun way that most people enjoy which is figuring out or solving puzzles. It comes with crossword puzzles to help enhance further your brain and memory.
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90 afgedrukte pagina’s
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  • Milosdeelde een impressie4 jaar geleden
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  • Kiraciteerde uit8 jaar geleden
    Dehydration or lack of water causes fatigue and diminishes our ability to focus and concentrate.
  • b7465020786citeerde uit3 jaar geleden
    Most of our daily activity is in the active state of beta that is left brained. By moving into alpha and theta we allow the right half of our brain to activate. The right brain is the seat of intuition and creativity.
  • b7465020786citeerde uit3 jaar geleden
    The mind is non-physical while the brain is a physical organ inside our bodies.

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