Martin Crump

The Search for the Great Kiwi Yarn (working title) Edited by Martin Crum p

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A book of humorous stories with a distinctive Kiwi flavour, both true and definitely not true, compiled through Radio Pacific, a leading radio talkback station based in Auckland. A book of humorous stories with a distinctive Kiwi flavour, both true and definitely not true, compiled through Radio Pacific, a leading radio talkback station based in Auckland. Spinning a good yarn is a time-honoured tradition in this country, and we've all heard some great ones. they used to be the favourite of the smoko room, the pub and the family gathering, the social occasions that bound us together as a community. We all know the sort of thing — stories about the larrikin, the local colourful identity, the tall tales and the fact is stranger than fiction true life tales of the absurd and the barely believable. We're in danger of losing them in this era of the internet joke you read rather than tell. After all, half the skill and humour in a good yarn is in the telling and the ever so gentle stretching of the truth. You should never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
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