John Wilker

Space Rogues

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“If you're looking for a lighthearted space saga, then this is definitely a book you're going to want to pick up.” — Literary Titan

“This is an accessible and highly readable science fiction tale that relies on speculative technology and imagined scenarios but is never bogged down in heavy concepts or complex astrophysics.”— US Review of books

“This was pure Flash Gordon spaceopera stuff, and the author kept the story moving at a fast pace with characters the reader will love.” — Pulp Den

Wil just wanted a crew for his ship.

He got a galactic conspiracy.

Wil Calder is a human, the only one to leave our solar system.

But that was years ago.

Now, he’s a lonely smuggler, looking for a crew, because space is lonely and boring. Just a few folks to boss around once in a while, is that so much?

What he definitely isn’t looking for, a galactic conspiracy.

But that’s what he and his new crew find. They’ve just met each other and now they have to save the commonwealth from war, no big deal.

Does this untested crew and their entirely out of his depth human captain have what it takes?

“If you tried to cross the Buck Rogers TV Show from the early 80’s with the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, you’d come close to the rollicking good fun of this classic space opera.” Amazon Review

Fans of Farscape and Firefly will love the crew of the Ghost.

Join the crew of the Ghost on the first of many fantastic adventures.
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